
I guess I've hit the block big time now. Everytime I think of blogging, my mind just sends out this blank white sheet, pretty much like my freaking printer.

Its one of those days, I guess. It first starts with the ominous rumble. Thy printer beeps out and the PC tells you to get more Ink.

Your sister feigns innocence and acts like she's been wrongly accused(with round eyes, quivering voice and the usual works), even when the whole wide world is aware of the fact that she emptied them cartridges with daily 'Collage' pictures of her and her pals.

But you decide to 'free' that, due to the Act that your Dad's written in Home Politics depriving brothers of the power to inflict mental/emotional/physical torture on sisters.

You spend a few precious bucks and fill the cartridges, and suddenly this new record/assignment/project comes along and you need some fast printouts, so you give away that smug smirking smile, basking in the glory of having a printer in the house... the D-day comes and after working on Microsoft freaking Word for an hour(!)(an hour of work is like a light year of work in my life)... you hit 'Print' in front of one your most sarcastic pals(read: Dipak Ragav), and lean back in your chair still smirking... the Printer sucks up the sheet, chews on it, and spits out its mangled remains.

And you know you're screwed, cuz that sarcastic fellow is now rolling on the floor laughing.

Murphy's Laws come back to haunt you again.

You then get the guy to finally stop laughing, and check the Printer connections in this wannabe-technical way.

Its something that engineering fellows do, they NEVER give up on non-working electronic devices. Its like a national shame, so they atleast fiddle around for a bit, pretending to think it over before finally giving up.

So Dipak and I, the most accomplished engineers from my college's 2006-2010 batch, roll our sleeves up, and try tugging at some wires. No can do. We then fumble around with the ports behind the CPU. No can do still.

He then frowns, scratches his chin and says in this earnest tone "Machan ulla internal connections edhavadhu vittu poirukkum.."

I play along, nod, murmur and open the Printer up. We both stare at the internal parts with baffling curiousity, while aware of the fact that we both do not have the slightest idea what those parts are.

I then blow some air into the printer, kelappifying loads of dust, cough and pause. And after extracting two rubber bands, three 25 paise coins, a tube of Itch Guard(NOT MINE!), one Hanuman photo, some feathers(No Idea), a 10 paise coin, random bus tickets and a train ticket, he says:

"Ippa try pannu."

I steal a new A4 sheet from my Sister's bag, insert it and hit 'Print'. Grinding noises, scratching noises, unearthly sounds, a scream from the nearby house and the torn remains of the paper are thrown out at my face.

I try to joke, cut the worstu situation and say "Is this a Printer or Shredder??" and the guy Kaari-thuppifyse at my PC and starts ranting about how I should get an arnakayir(!) from Harish and hang myself.

And the ordeal didn't end there.

Its been a really long time since I went to Browsing Centres for any darn reason, cuz I have unlimited net at home.. so I was hardly prepared for it when the guy gave me this biodata to fill out, including my name, address, cell number, vehicle's license plate number(!)(seriously!), reference number and signature... just in case I did something illegal.

I mean, come on, we guys gave up on online porn when Anish got caught at Dreams Net ogling at Pamela Anderson... and had to pay his way out of there to keep his Dad unaware of it.. :D

So after all the trials and tribulations, it was a heavenly moment to see my Record sheets gliding out of the Laser Printer.. you know, one of those magical moments like childbirth, which are magical ONLY when its YOUR child being born... or else it just looks like zombie porn. I have a bad sense of humour. *Hitting head*

And with that... I've broken my writer's block again!!!!!!!

Long live printers, Dipak Ragav, Anish and all the other fellows whom I can write pages about without ever getting bored! You guys keep me up and writing!

Cheers!! :D

Posted on 5:25 AM by CkisgoD and filed under | 8 Comments »

8 Fellows Swore At This:

Sriram said... @ April 12, 2009 at 8:33 AM

Dei Golti Ba..
For free's sake, Light Year is a unit of distance and not time..

Worstu ingenieur floo!!!!


CkisgoD said... @ April 12, 2009 at 8:36 AM

LOL... free... i knew something was up with that!

Engineer floo free. :D

its just a large amt of some freaking thing... :P

DIPAK RAGAV said... @ April 12, 2009 at 9:24 AM

i jus hope harish does nt file a defamation suit against u for u have insulted his arnakayir. for the pc u own ur nt worth getting his arnakayir.

Vinay said... @ April 12, 2009 at 10:36 AM

dude awesome stuff comin out of a printer. Itch guard? Feathers??! Had me rotfl..n bout that writing cell phone numbers in a browsing center..a frend of mine always scans d room for chicks n sees if the register's got a gal's name n fone number :D duly notes it down tries messagin them some respond some dont its fun :D

Unknown said... @ April 12, 2009 at 10:43 AM

@ CK..
Lol.. i can imagine it happening.. N Dipak's comp is no better.. vetti scene he is..

CkisgoD said... @ April 13, 2009 at 9:09 AM

@Dipak Ragav

Idhellam not perumai. Unnayum madhichu I wrote in my blog paaru...

*pointing fingers at eyes*

I want this and more.

CkisgoD said... @ April 13, 2009 at 9:10 AM


Yeah, man. You wouldn't believe. :D

And wow... looks like an awesome pastime. Gotta do that sometime... but nalla figures hardly come to Net Centres :(

CkisgoD said... @ April 13, 2009 at 9:11 AM


I know I know :D

All same kuttai la vizhundha mattai.