dude the idea is just mind blowing..A comic strip with Vman n Anish, but I honestly feel it could be a lot more funnier.
Yeah.. m open to ideas :)
intelluctual rigths infringement
Lol.. free :D
Me thinks u shud take up a real life incident n put it on d strip..or hv a season where both vman n anees try yto lure d same girl n Anees wins but turns out that girl's a lesb or somethin like dat
@vianythts the funniest thing i have evrheard.. anish can't win a gal even if she s a lesbo or if she is totally drunk
@Vinayor maybe one with Anees watching Kolangal? :P
@VmanRemba pesina I ll make Anees the hero :P
chk dis out...mustkillself.stripgenerator.com
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9 Fellows Swore At This:
dude the idea is just mind blowing..A comic strip with Vman n Anish, but I honestly feel it could be a lot more funnier.
Yeah.. m open to ideas :)
intelluctual rigths infringement
Lol.. free :D
Me thinks u shud take up a real life incident n put it on d strip..or hv a season where both vman n anees try yto lure d same girl n Anees wins but turns out that girl's a lesb or somethin like dat
thts the funniest thing i have evrheard.. anish can't win a gal even if she s a lesbo or if she is totally drunk
or maybe one with Anees watching Kolangal? :P
Remba pesina I ll make Anees the hero :P
chk dis out...
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