V for Vethuvetta

Okay, as I am entirely vetti at home this summer, I've taken up a habit of adding useless and vetti-scene things to my blog. These things have no significance at all, and are jusht for diversion and distraction, to take your mind away from my awful posts.

There is this clock that shows you Indian Standard Time (applicable to all major indian cities) that shows you exactly the amount of time you are wasting, or have wasted here.

There is also this counter that joblessly counts the number of times my blog is hit by unassuming fellow creatures.

There is a brand new Shoutbox, whose very creators don't have the slightest idea what its uses are. But it looks quite cool, and in a consumerist spree, I had to have it.

There is also a Blogroll. Now THIS is frequently used, by people, to escape out of my blog to other half-baked ones.

Anyways, I'm creatively challenged enough to write a post about all this.

Okay, for all the people who want to yecha-thuppify at this post, use the Shoutbox, alright? [:D]

Free... Peace.

Posted on 3:02 AM by CkisgoD and filed under | 2 Comments »

2 Fellows Swore At This:

DIPAK RAGAV said... @ June 25, 2008 at 10:48 AM
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Unknown said... @ October 8, 2008 at 2:18 AM

no comments..LOL